Faith To-Go

Faith To-Go

Hosted by: Zach Windahl

Millions have been inspired by Zach Windahl's daily devotionals on social media. Listen to him read through the most recent volume of Faith To-Go: A Pocket Devotional.

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Day 12: Inspired by Ephesians 6:10-17

A devotional and prayer for dealing with spiritual warfare. Devotional: Let me put you onto something: You need to understand that you're not just battling life's challenges but spiritual forces as well. I’ve given...
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Day 14: Philippians 2:3-4

A devotional and prayer for humbling yourself. Devotional: Living a life full of love isn't about being the star of your own show; it's about lifting others into the spotlight. You might think your value comes from...
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Day 15: Inspired by 2 Timothy 3:16-17

A devotional and prayer for inspiring a passion towards Scripture. Devotional: My child, don't overlook the treasure of the Bible. I have inspired every word in it, and it's not just an old book; it's your guide for...
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Day 21: Inspired by Matthew 20:28

A devotional and prayer for when you're working too much. Devotional: My child, I see you striving, working hard to achieve, serve, and be something in this world. Yet, you don't need to strive to earn love or worth;...
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Day 11: Inspired by Luke 15:11-32

A devotional and prayer for when you've drifted away. Devotional: My child, do you know how much I want you to return to me, no matter how far you’ve wandered? When you fall away, know my eyes are always on the...
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Day 24: Inspired by Jeremiah 17:14

A devotional and prayer for when you need a heavenly perspective. Devotional: Let’s talk about what holds you down. The world may lead you to believe that happiness and worth come from material things or the praise of...
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Day 27: Inspired by Philippians 4:11-13

A devotional and prayer for when you need peace. Devotional: I know you face all types of circumstances, some exhilarating and some challenging. Yet, I want to guide you in the art of contentment. Contentment doesn't...
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Day 26: Inspired by John 14:15

A devotional and prayer for when you've drifted. Devotional: If you love Me, the natural outcome is to follow my commands. Now, don't let that word 'commands' trip you up. I’m not talking about rigid rules that will...
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Day 22: Inspired by Psalm 1

A devotional and prayer for when you need direction. Devotional: I want you to thrive in life like a tree planted by streams of water. I see you struggling to find your footing in a chaotic world, but remember, you...
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Day 23: Inspired by 1 Thessalonians 5:18

A devotional and prayer for when you're feeling pessimistic. Devotional: In every moment and circumstance, there's a reason to give thanks. Life isn't always smooth sailing; sometimes, you might wonder where I am. But...
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Day 30: Inspired by Ephesians 2:10

A devotional and prayer for when you don't feel special. Devotional: Do you know how special you are to me? Before the world was formed, I envisioned you and all the marvelous works I have planned for you to carry...
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Day 19: Inspired by James 1:2-4

A devotional and prayer for when you're overwhelmed. Devotional: Life brings trials and challenges that may seem overwhelming at times. Yet, in these very moments, I am molding you, building resilience and strength...
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