Day 21: Inspired by Matthew 20:28

A devotional and prayer for when you're working too much.

Devotional: My child, I see you striving, working hard to achieve, serve, and be something in this world. Yet, you don't need to strive to earn love or worth; I already poured out my love for you when I came not to be served but to serve. I gave my life as a ransom for you. That's how much you matter to me. Slow down and breathe. The world praises the loudest and the strongest, but in my eyes, you're valued because you are you. Let my spirit of service fill you. As you serve others, you'll find the greatest reward—my love, shining back at you through the smiles and hearts of those you touch. Inspired by Matthew 20:28

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for sending your son to serve so selflessly and for showing me what true love and humility look like. Teach me to put aside my pride and fears and serve as you served - with love, kindness, and an open heart. Help me remember that my worth doesn’t come from what I do but from who I am in you. So, Lord, fill me with your spirit of service so that I may touch lives and reflect your love to the world today. In Jesus name, amen.