Day 11: Inspired by Luke 15:11-32

A devotional and prayer for when you've drifted away.

Devotional: My child, do you know how much I want you to return to me, no matter how far you’ve wandered? When you fall away, know my eyes are always on the horizon, waiting for your return. Don’t let shame keep you from me. I always have my arms wide open, ready to celebrate your homecoming. You don’t have to earn your way back into my love; it’s a gift freely given. Come to me, weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Never forget that I’m always here for you. Inspired by Luke 15:11-32

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for always waiting for me with open arms, no matter how far I’ve fallen away. Help me to overcome any shame or fear that holds me back from returning to you. Fill my heart with your joy and love. I pray for strength to turn back to you, knowing that your love is unconditional and your grace has no bounds. In Jesus name, amen.