Day 7: Inspired by Philippians 4:4

A devotional and prayer for when you need more joy.

Devotional: No matter what you are going through, remember that joy is not based on your circumstances; it's found in me. I invite you to rejoice, not just once, but always. I know it sounds strange to be joyful when life feels overwhelming or painful. But during those times, your joy in me becomes a testimony of hope. It's a powerful way to demonstrate your trust in my plans for you. So draw near to me, and let your joy shine for yourself and others. Rejoice in the Lord always. Yes, even now, rejoice. Inspired by Philippians 4:4

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for being my true source of joy, no matter what’s happening around me. Help me to hold onto this deep-rooted joy that comes from you, especially when it’s challenging to feel. Help me to rejoice always, leaning into your promise and your presence. Let my joy be a testimony of your love and faithfulness. In Jesus name, amen.