Day 30: Inspired by Ephesians 2:10

A devotional and prayer for when you don't feel special. Devotional: Do you know how special you are to me? Before the world was formed, I envisioned you and all the marvelous works I have planned for you to carry out. You are not an accident nor a product of mere chance; you are my masterpiece. Each day is a canvas I've laid out for you to paint with love, purpose, and good works. Don't let the world's noise drown out my call for your life. Listen, and you'll hear me guiding you toward the incredible destiny I've lovingly crafted for you. Inspired by Ephesians 2:10 Prayer: Dear God, thank you for creating me as your masterpiece, uniquely designed for a purpose only I can fulfill. Open my eyes to the canvas of opportunities youā€™ve set before me daily. Guide my steps and hands as I seek to do all of the good works you have prepared for me to do. As I walk through today and all the days to come, help me remember that I am your workmanship, crafted in love and destined for a purpose. In Jesus name, amen.