Day 18: Inspired by Galatians 5:22-23

A devotional and prayer for when you want to grow.

Devotional: I’ll help you change if you let me. You've heard of the fruits of the Spirit, the attributes like love, joy, and peace. I want you to understand that these are not just gifts you ask for; they are aspects of my character that I long to grow within you. Allow me to cultivate these traits in your life. Instead of striving on your own, let me work in you, bringing forth a harvest of righteousness that enriches your life and blesses those around you. Remember, when you remain rooted in me, the Spirit naturally produces fruit in you. Inspired by Galatians 5:22-23

Prayer: Dear God, help me to be more like you each day, embodying the fruits of the Spirit in all I do. I surrender myself to you, knowing I can’t grow these traits alone. Cultivate in me your love, joy, peace, and all the other fruits so I can bless others. Let your Spirit work freely in me, transforming me into the person you desire me to be. In Jesus name, amen.