Day 23: Inspired by 1 Thessalonians 5:18

A devotional and prayer for when you're feeling pessimistic.

Devotional: In every moment and circumstance, there's a reason to give thanks. Life isn't always smooth sailing; sometimes, you might wonder where I am. But remember gratitude isn't just for the sunny days—it's also a light that pierces through the dark clouds of hardship. As you thank me, you'll find a peace that transcends understanding even when your heart is heavy. You might not see the reasons now but trust that I am working all things for your good. When you embrace gratitude as a way of life, you will find that joy follows you, like a loyal friend, wherever you go. Inspired by 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for reminding me that gratitude isn’t just important when I need it most but should be woven into every area of my life. Even when everything is falling apart, help me to see things from your perspective. Help me to see the good. Teach me to give thanks in all circumstances, not because it’s easy, but because it brings me closer to your love and grace. In Jesus name, amen.