Day 15: Inspired by 2 Timothy 3:16-17

A devotional and prayer for inspiring a passion towards Scripture.

Devotional: My child, don't overlook the treasure of the Bible. I have inspired every word in it, and it's not just an old book; it's your guide for every situation you face. You may sometimes think you don't need instructions for life, but Scripture is there to teach you what is true, correct your mistakes, and equip you for every good work. Imagine it as a toolkit. Like a hammer and nails fix broken things around your house, My Word heals the broken places in your heart and life. So, dig into it daily. Let it shape your thoughts, actions, and the core of who you are. Inspired by 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for giving us your Word as a guiding light. Help me not just to read it but to understand and apply its truths to my daily situations. Equip me so I am prepared for every good work you have planned for me. May your Word shape me into who you want me to be, filling me with wisdom, love, and a heart ready to serve others. In Jesus name, amen.