Day 13: Inspired by James 1:5

A devotional and prayer for when you need more wisdom.

Devotional: My child, know that wisdom is more valuable than gold in this world, and I freely offer it to you. If you ever find yourself in a place of uncertainty or confusion, all you have to do is ask me. I won't judge you for not knowing; I delight in your seeking heart. Please understand that true wisdom comes from leaning into me, not just learning facts or following formulas. When you seek my wisdom, you gain answers and a deeper relationship with me. So, whenever you're puzzled about what step to take next, come to me. I am the source of all wisdom and love sharing it with you. Inspired by James 1:5

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for promising wisdom to us who simply ask. Today, I come before you with a seeking heart, asking for the wisdom I need. Help me recognize your guidance and apply your wisdom in my decisions, both big and small. Strengthen my relationship with you as I lean into your knowledge, understanding that itโ€™s more than just answers - a path closer to you. In Jesus name, amen.