Day 6: Inspired by 2 Corinthians 12:9

A devotional and prayer for when life is heavy.

Devotional: I know you have struggles, my child. You carry burdens that sometimes feel too heavy to bear. But remember this: My grace is all you need. It's in your moments of weakness that my strength shines brightest. Don't be discouraged when you feel vulnerable or weak. Those are the times when I can work through you with my power. Instead of running from your weaknesses, lean into me, and you’ll find that my strength is all you need. You are strong in me, and I am always with you. Inspired by 2 Corinthians 12:9

Prayer: Dear God, thank you that your grace meets me right where I am, especially in my weakest moments. I surrender my struggles and inadequacies to you, trusting that your strength will shine through them. Help me lean into your grace, knowing it’s all I need to overcome any challenges. Transform my weaknesses into opportunities for your power to be displayed. In Jesus name, amen.