Day 5: Inspired by Psalm 23

A devotional and prayer for when life is uncertain.

Devotional: Life is full of ups and downs. But remember, I am your Good Shepherd, guiding you every step of the way. When you walk through valleys of uncertainty or find yourself in need, I am there to provide, comfort, and protect you. Lean on Me, and you'll find rest and nourishment for your soul. There's no need to fear, for my rod and staff are here to guide you and give you peace. Rejoice, for goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life, and we will live together forever. Inspired by Psalm 23

Prayer: Dear God, You are my Good Shepherd, and I trust that you will lead me to places of rest and renewal. When I feel lost, help me remember that you are guiding me in the right direction. Thank you for your protection, provision, and peace that you give me so freely. I know that with you, I am never alone, and I am always cared for. In Jesus name, amen.